The Second Key Element in the Points of You Approach
What is it you ask? It’s a circle. As a teacher, you know how important the physical environment is to learning. Points of You uses circle to gently invite people into self-reflection. And given the fast-paced frequency of working in schools today, this approach offers teachers a moment to gather together and slow down in an architecture designed for dialogue and focus.
You’ve gotten a glimpse into one of the key elements of the Points of You approach. Now it’s time to learn more about another vital element to this approach that makes Points of You unique in the way people come together.
How Points of You Allows Restorative Conversations to Happen
The Host and Guardian
A Certified Points of You facilitator serves as a host and guardian of the circle. In this way, they hold and guide the group throughout the encounter.
During the Encounter
This is when the restorative conversation unfolds. An opportunity to listen, harness wisdom from the group and collect new insights is created. Whenever you enter an encounter, it will always follow a certain flow.
Closing the Experience
An encounter always comes back to circle so that everyone has an opportunity to share their moment of clarity or meaningful insight. Teachers can re-calibrate their perspectives on how they value the contributions and impact they make.