How Observing Photos Invites Self Reflection
You know how important self reflection is to your life but you may be unsure how to practice it. Well, I’m here to tell you how looking at photographs can invite self reflection and help you to re-frame your way of thinking.
The Coaching Game
The Coaching Game deck has 65 photo cards that represents various topics that come up in our work. You can use the photos to expand your initial perceptions.
As educators, we are constantly managing the demands of in-the-moment decisions and hardly take a moment to pause and reexamine situations.
A Self Reflection Layout Using The Points of You Coaching Game
Here’s a sample set of photo cards from the Coaching Game. This three card layout is called the Ideal Versus Reality Layout. This layout allows you to close the gap between the reality of a particular situation and the ideal outcome you hope to reach.
First, think about a particular situation you’re dealing with. Maybe with a student or colleague. Or maybe you want to examine a different approach to how a lesson went. Each card will allow you to expand your perspective around the presenting situation.
Your Ideal
This photo represents the ideal. What in this photo connects to the ideal outcome you want? How does the word connect to your ideal?
Your Reality
This photo represent what’s really happening. Again, in what way does the image and word connect to what is really happening?
The Bridge
This photo represents the bridge that will get you closer to your ideal.
As you collect new points of view from all three photo cards, you can settle on the most important insight this set of cards offers you. Now just imagine what you could discover when you have your own Coaching Game Deck!