How Points of You™ Helps You Redesign Your Mindset

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How Points of You™ Helps You Redesign Your Mindset

coaching gameDo you find yourself reacting to small situations in a really BIG way? You know, each one of us has a unique lived experience. These experiences create the filters we use to make meaning about the world around us. 

For a long time I operated out of a mindset of being a victim and it affected the way I interacted with myself and with others. But all that has changed since learning about Points of You™. You know the importance of finding ways to improve your internal dialogue and Points of You™  does just that. Using creative tools like The Coaching Game, Faces, and Punctum, Points of You™ can create powerful opportunities for you to connect to your distinct stories so you brave connecting with others.

coaching game

On my journey, I've come to realize that we thrive when we are self aware and invite chances to learn different perspectives from others. Especially for men. Men aren't supposed to have emotions or else be label as weak. However I would like to change that notion because I believe that men need to exercise their social/emotional muscles. Given the polarization around masculinity and my own experiences claiming my own sense of manhood, my winding path has lead me to develop a coaching practice using the Points of You method. If you're a man or know of one who you believe would benefit just click on the link below.


I recently started reading Lewis Howes's book, The Mask of Masculinity, which was released on Halloween. He talks about nine different masks men wear that make it hard to connect emotionally. I highly recommend reading this book. One of things that stood out to me in reading Lewis's story is how very alone boys and men feel and yet yearn for ways to connect. I certainly can relate. His book affirms for me how important relationships are and is the major reason why I decided to start offering Personal Development Coaching services for men.

If you're curious to learn more, there are different ways our winding paths can connect.