Playing Finally at the End of 2018

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Well it’s the last day of 2018 and it’s the perfect time to play Finally with the Coaching Game.

Playing Finally

The object of Finally is to observe what has happened over the year and get excited about what’s to come in 2019. It offers the chance to ponder on these three questions. 

  1. What am I taking on with me?
  2. What am I leaving behind?
  3. What do I want for the next stage of this journey?

I picked three cards from the Coaching Game deck to help answer these questions. After a quick shuffle, here is what I ended up with.

What am I Taking on With Me?

Now my first reaction was, “Really! Why did I end up with this card?!” How does this connect to what I’m taking on with me into 2019? As I think about what has happened during 2018, I ask myself, “How does this picture represent the most important moment?” When I ponder on this question and take another look at the picture, I’m immediately drawn to the tree and how it represents steady growth in spite of resistance. So I’m taking taking steady growth with me into 2019 and I plan on doing that in three ways.

  1. Foundation: I’m going to continue refining professional offerings that inspire educators to accept who they are so that they recognize the value they bring.
  2. Partnership: Keep building a team of other educators who want to incorporate the Points of You approach into their practice.
  3. Recognition: Influential leaders in education recognize how Points of You strengthens emotional intelligence.

What am I Leaving Behind?

So there have been moments during 2018 where I felt impatient and this card reminds me to leave that behind.

What do I Want for the Next Stage of this Journey?

So the bright colors in this picture instantly remind me of the playful nature children explore their world. For me, I want to invite this sense of curiosity into 2019.

So there you have it. My personal Finally layout using the cards from the Coaching Game. The amazing thing about playing with the Coaching Game is that there is no right or wrong interpretation. You can decide what is most significant for yourself! For me, the images stood out more so than the words but the words may have more significant connections for you as you look at these cards to play Finally for yourself.