Men’s Conference Media Coverage

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This is really happening!!

Our York Media spent the day with us during a photo shoot for the Gentlemen’s Architecture Conference. Here is the amazing article they created.

After my own struggle around how I perceived myself as a man dedicating 21 years of my work life as an early childhood educator, I dreamed of holding space for other men to come together and lean into vulnerability to share there triumphs and challenge around their masculinity. I am happy to say that I’ve met some amazing people over the last two years who are in support of making this happen.

About three months ago, Samm Smeltzer and I were sharing with each ideas of what we wanted to create together. She mentioned in passing how she was holding two focus groups with men to learn about some of their challenges and stories they hold around masculinity. This initial exchange spawned the creation of the first annual Gentlemen’s Architecture Conference!