Inviting a New Opportunity

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Opportunity Layout with Punctum Deck

The weekly Guided Reflection sessions give you a chance to have an intimate conversation with Self. You should stop by West End Yoga Studio and give it a try!

Attend Guided Reflections

Since becoming a Points of You Certified Trainer a year ago, I've been on this wonderful adventure developing my coaching and facilitation business. I've been in a creative space using the Points of You approach and tools to craft board development training, adult education classes and individual coaching. What I love the most though is when I use the tools to invite people to carve out time from their lives for personal inquiry.

Since October, I've had the honor of facilitating weekly sessions called Guided Reflections at West End Yoga Studio. The first Monday of the month is devoted to inviting a new opportunity either into your personal life or professional life. Participants get to play with the Punctum Deck and choose a series of cards that provide a different to view what you want to bring into your life. 

The first card people pick is a photo card and spend time looking through the image to determine how they associate that image with a new opportunity they care to invite into their life in the upcoming month. Once participants feel complete with the message they receive from the picture, they are then invited to pick a word card. Now participates look at the photo and word card together to determine what connection there is for them. After they have determined that connection, the process closes by picking a question card. This card allows the participant to determine what decision or next step to take to get closer to bringing the new opportunity to reality.

⇐ Check out the Opportunity Layout here. What opportunity comes forth for you?