What are We Busy About?

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I admit that I love to collect quotes. I like to imagine that the messages I come across are gentle reminders for me when I get caught up in the machinery of life. I came across this quote this week in my Passion Planner as I was making note of appointments and commitments for the […]

New Opportunities

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When we are attune with our distinct purpose on this planet, then you are more willing to seize opportunities that wander into your life. This dialing in of purpose happened for me in early February when I decided to visit the Points of You website. Let’s just say that I was in a little bit […]

Courage Over Comfort

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I’ve spent the month of August working on putting together this website for my new business. Bringing my site live today, allows me the opportunity to move forward in bringing a creative spirit to this new professional chapter. I want to thank my family, friends for your support along the way. Feel free to look […]