Points of You, A New Way to Foster Relationships on a Team or Organization

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You know it’s coming! Your company’s annual strategic planning retreat. You probably feel a sense of dread knowing that you will be spending a whole day pouring over data, outcomes, and setting new target goals to reach over the next three to five years. While setting those goals are important, what about the people who […]

Men’s Conference Media Coverage

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This is really happening!! Our York Media spent the day with us during a photo shoot for the Gentlemen’s Architecture Conference. Here is the amazing article they created. After my own struggle around how I perceived myself as a man dedicating 21 years of my work life as an early childhood educator, I dreamed of […]

The Equity Exchange

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In what ways are school communities navigating change? Whether you are in the public or private school sector, both environments are facing changes. In order to stay relevant, the leaders and faculty across the educational landscape need to become agile and nimble. Since 2015, The Equity Exchange serves as an annual gathering for public and private […]

Inviting a New Opportunity

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The weekly Guided Reflection sessions give you a chance to have an intimate conversation with Self. You should stop by West End Yoga Studio and give it a try! Since becoming a Points of You Certified Trainer a year ago, I’ve been on this wonderful adventure developing my coaching and facilitation business. I’ve been in […]

Partnering with Leadership Arts

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I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Samm Smeltzer from Leadership Arts. We’ve been collaborating together since July 2016. She’s enjoyed learning and exploring the Points of You approach. We spent time last Friday sharing on Facebook a brief plug on the Experiential Encounter Samm is hosting Friday, April 14. Hope to see you there!

Cultivating Relationships on a Board

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On Saturday, March 25th, I had the honor of facilitating a Board Development retreat for the Southwest Lancaster Neighborhood Board. These amazing citizens came together for four hours re-calibrating their sense of contribution to the board. The highlight of our time together was the closing exercise. The Group Puzzle Process invited each board member to take […]